About this template

The template you need to start a writing habit Whether you're going through the full 12-week plan from The Artist's Way, need a space to write a quick 5-minute gratitude journal, or want to start a habit of daily writing, this is the template you need. This template includes: * A button to write your new entries quickly without overthinking anything * Two quick prompts to record an intention for the day, and your favourite thing of the day * Two simple questions in the writing space to eliminate writer's block. * A space to add a photo from your day * A gallery view so you can look back at your memories. Over time it gets filled with all the photos you've added.


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Step 1

Create your Free Notis account.

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Step 2

Duplicate this template in your Notion workspace.

Step 3

Drag and drop your template in the Notis Second Brain System page and ask notis to sync your databases.

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