Notes Dashboard
About this template
This Notion template helps you streamline your note-taking process, making your notes not only beautifully organized but also easily retrievable. • Linked Notes: Create relations between your notes to link everything together. • Topics: Tag your notes to related topics and patterns to help your brain organize them effectively. • Filtered Views: Include views for recent notes, favorite notes, notes to review, and the option to create a custom filtered view. • Notebooks: Group your notes into broader categories like a course, research, or journal you are actively working on. • Archive: Mark an outdated or irrelevant note as archive to hide it from all views except the archive view.
About this creator
More by Easlo
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Step 1
Create your Free Notis account.
Step 2
Duplicate this template in your Notion workspace.
Step 3
Drag and drop your template in the Notis Second Brain System page and ask notis to sync your databases.