About this template

Here is How: The Template allows you to organize, keep track, schedule, and plan everything in one place. The workspace includes: Calendar to schedule “Idea bord” to collect ideas and scripts A YouTube Template with Idea, Research, Script and To-Do lists Designated space for keywords and data structure Tipps and Explanations for Beginners What does Dionysus mean? Like all of my templates, this one is named after a Greek God. Dionysus is mostly known to be the God of Wine and festivity, but he was also the God of theater and play (which would be filmmaking in the modern day). May he inspire you to fill your creations with life. How to add widgets: Go to a website, that offers widgets for FREE like: https://blog.shorouk.dev/notion-widgets-gallery/ or https://indify.co/ (Sign-in required) Once you have chosen your widget copy the Code and switch to Notion. Now all you have to do is paste the code and click “create embed”.


About this creator

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Step 1

Create your Free Notis account.

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Step 2

Duplicate this template in your Notion workspace.

Step 3

Drag and drop your template in the Notis Second Brain System page and ask notis to sync your databases.

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