About this template

It’ll allow you to store all of your favorite design sources and websites — type foundries, stock and mockup designers, template websites so that you can find what you need and access everything with ease. Bonuses: - 60+ creators/websites/sources for mockups, typefaces, stock imagery, templates - dedicated space for design asset organisation - organize assets by category and/or creator - wishlist/favorite/freebie sections - upload your asset files for easy access and preview - save storage on your computer


About this creator

Activate with AI

Use this template with your voice in three easy steps

Turn this template into an AI powered voice assistant.

Capture, organize, and get answers from this template – all with your voice.

Step 1

Create your Free Notis account.

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Step 2

Duplicate this template in your Notion workspace.

Step 3

Drag and drop your template in the Notis Second Brain System page and ask notis to sync your databases.

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for free?

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Not finding what your searching for?

Or you'd rather have it

for free?

Launch our AI Template Creator

Not finding what your searching for? Or you'd rather have it

for free?

Launch our AI Template Creator