About this template

Tired of the Prompt Chaos? Your ultimate organisation solution for your Prompts & AI Prompt Writing Assistant. No more missed prompts. Create new prompts with AI power and organised management of your prompts easily with AI Easy Prompt OS! This product is made SPECIFICALLY for who: -Finds yourself digging through a cluttered mess of old prompts, wasting precious time -Wants to streamline your prompt management and create a systematic approach to organizing your prompts -Still grappling with the challenge of writing compelling and effective prompts What's inside AI Easy Prompts OS: -AI-powered Prompt Writing Assistant -All-in-One Dashboard -Collections & Folders -"Favourites" and "Use Later" Features -Guides for your better experience How It Works? -Create new prompts with AI Prompts writing assistant -Add existing prompts to your prompts database -Select Collection, Folder and Tags for your prompt -Sort your prompts by Status, Favourites, Use later or by Collection or Folders -Easily work with your prompts on your all-in one Dashboard How AI Prompts writing assistant works? AI Prompt Writing Assistant uses pre-made structures to generate high-quality prompts. You provide some information, and the AI system crafts a compelling prompt, taking the hassle out of creative writing. Ready to Revolutionize Your Prompt Game? Get the AI Easy Prompts OS template now for 19$. Lifetime access.


About this creator

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How to use this template with A.I

Delegate this template to NØtis and have your personal assistant automatically manage it for you.


Duplicate this template in your Notion workspace.


Create your NØtis account.


When authorizing NØtis to your Notion workspace, make sure to click "select pages to share with NØtis" and choose your new template in the list.


Make sure the template appears in your synced database and is activated.

Make it your own

Make it your own

Make it your own

Optionally, you can give additional instructions to NØtis directly by customizing the template.


You can add additional instructions for NØtis in the database descriptions. To access the description, right click a database and click "view database"


Add your instructions in the description. E.g. "For each entry, create a post for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, etc."


You can also add instructions in each field descriptions. E.g. "A short description of the expense like 'dinner at Luigi'".


NØtis automatically sync your databases every hour but you cal always ask NØtis to synchronise them right away or ask the link to your user portal.

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