About this template

Turn Notion into a powerful task management system with our GTD-inspired Notion template. Built upon the principles of David Allen’s renowned Getting Things Done (GTD) method, this template helps you navigate your tasks with clarity and efficiency. Quickly capture tasks and ideas on the go, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. Organize your tasks by batching them into contexts, and convert larger tasks into projects neatly grouped by different areas of your life. With a clear overview of your schedule and deadlines, you can stay on top of your commitments and enhance your productivity.


About this creator

Activate with AI

Use this template with your voice in three easy steps

Turn this template into an AI powered voice assistant.

Capture, organize, and get answers from this template – all with your voice.

Step 1

Create your Free Notis account.

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Step 2

Duplicate this template in your Notion workspace.

Step 3

Drag and drop your template in the Notis Second Brain System page and ask notis to sync your databases.

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