About this template

Flat characters do not grab readers attention and they don't make for very compelling reading. Creating three-dimensional characters people can relate to, care about, be interested in, root for (or against) is how you keep readers entertained and coming back. But characters like that aren't created on the fly. You have to know who they are before you go in - how they look, talk, walk, how they react and what they care about. Get to know them better before you go in. That's what this template is for.


About this creator

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Use this template with your voice in three easy steps

Turn this template into an AI powered voice assistant.

Capture, organize, and get answers from this template – all with your voice.

Step 1

Create your Free Notis account.

Step 2

Duplicate this template in your Notion workspace.

Step 3

Drag and drop your template in the Notis Second Brain System page and ask notis to sync your databases.

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Ready for some peace of mind?

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Ready for some peace of mind?

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